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Deposit Account Usage
Created by m.moebs on 1/28/2024 10:42:26 AM

What deposit accounts are most important?
The Moebs Services answer is what all Americans love!
We ranked what over 75% of Banks, CUs, Thrifts, and Fintechs offer.
No one comes even close to how Moebs ranks all deposits – read ranking story below.
We welcome and want your comments.
Semper, Mike

What Are the Most Important Deposit Services Now?
“Americans love to rank things. Why? It measures behavior.”

Michael Moebs, Economist & Chair of Moebs $ervices, LLC (M$) a Private Financial Service Research Firm.
Lake Forest IL (January 28, 2024) It starts in kindergarten. Who answers the teacher’s question the most? Which kid is the tallest? Who can kick the ball the furthest? Americans love to rank things and it starts very early. Why do we do this? To establish benchmarks which define performance standards. Some good – who helps the most? Some less than good – who makes the most money?
The media thrives on financial rankings from Wall Street stocks to highest bank rates. Financial services are ranked by FIs, trade groups, private research, government, and others. Rankings when done statistically with good data give key insight into measuring change and trends over time. READ FULL ARTICLE

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